
Girardot, M.; Guerineau, A.; Boudesocque, L.; Costa, D.; Bazinet, L.; Enguehard-Gueiffier, C.; Imbert, C. (2014). Promising results of cranberry in the prevention of oral Candida biofilms. Pathogens and Disease, 70: 432-439.

Suwal, S.; Roblet, C.; Doyen, A.; Amiot, J.; Beaulieu, L.; Legault, J.; Bazinet, L. (2014). Electrodialytic separation of peptides from snow crab by-product hydrolysate: Effect of cell configuration on peptide selectivity and local electric field. Separation and Purification Technology, 127(0), 29-38.

Carnovale, V.; Britten, M.; Couillard, C.; Bazinet, L. Interactions entre les protéines laitières, le calcium et les polyphénols du thé vert : effets de la digestion et sur la réponse physiologique. Conférence présentée dans le cadre du colloque conjoint CQVB-INAF « Technologies, ingrédients et nutrition santé : La relève scientifique peut vous aider à vous différencier et à augmenter votre compétitivité», Axe technologies – Relève scientifique. Québec (QC), 10 avril 2014.

Doyen, A.; Roblet, C.; L'Archevêque-Gaudet, A.; Bazinet, L. (2014) Mathematical sigmoid-model approach for the determination of limiting and over-limiting current density values. Journal of Membrane Science, 452, 453-459.

Roblet, C.; Doyen, A.; Amiot, J.; Pilon, G.; Marette, A.; Bazinet, L. (2014). Enhancement of glucose uptake in muscular cell by soybean charged peptides isolated by electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes (EDUF): Activation of the AMPK pathway. Food Chemistry, 147(0), 124-130.

Carnovale, V.; Britten, M.; Couillard, C.; Bazinet, L. Interactions between epigallocatechin-3-gallate and β-lactoglobulin in a simulated milk ultrafiltrate environment with and without calcium. Affiche présentée dans le cadre du «7th International Whey Conference» (IWC). Rotterdam, Pays-Bas, 7-9 Septembre 2014.

Doyen, A.; Udenigwe, C. C.; Mitchell, P. L.; Marette, A.; Aluko, R. E.; Bazinet, L. (2014). Anti-diabetic and antihypertensive activities of two flaxseed protein hydrolysate fractions revealed following their simultaneous separation by electrodialysis with ultrafiltration membranes. Food Chemistry, 145: 66-76.

Paquet, É.; Hussain, R.; Bazinet, L.; Makhlouf, J.; Lemieux, S.; Turgeon, S. L. (2014). Effect of processing treatments and storage conditions on stability of fruit juice based beverages enriched with dietary fibers alone and in mixture with xanthan gum. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 55(1), 131-138.